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    Tonal weight


    There is a fine line drawn between a militant moan and an incessant whine: one drags on whilst the other gets under the skin to the point of irritation. I am referring to Niall Fergusson’s Reith Lectures on Radio 4 entitled the Rule of Law and its Enemies: it’s riveting stuff, giving an historical perspective on our financial meltdown, but gravitas and command are reliant on delivery, not just intelligence, and   can easily become emotional rant or diktat (sample my family antics if you must!).  Listening Again to NF will save you having to wade though one of his inevitable tomes later in the year, and here he draws compellingly on Darwin and Voltaire, with extraordinary multidisciplinary understanding of what is wrong with the state of the World. I wonder is it the Glaswegian-Harvard twang that grates or the higher tones? Patronizing in parts, pertinent in others, he never the less keep us on our fiscal toes. We’ve all thought it but he says it, backing up with so much fact that it’s pretty hard to resist even if it’s difficult to swallow.   Apparently ‘Anti-fragile’ is the new recommended Rule of Law. Keep munching.

    This week my peregrinations take me on many a detour: from Dorchester Abbey (John Piper chiascuro in churches) to the bowels of the RA Schools to see gravitas with a litho crayon (Archie Franks’ dark tusche drawings). To Agua  (Pina Bausch) at the Barbican  - water inside now, as well as out (see my last blog, Trenchfoot), then onto Bold Tendences – edgy and ledgy on a  car park rooftop in Peckham, with Sculpture and Campari to bring you to your senses.  & a Tomax in August.

    On Monday 16th July, Trafalgar Square has a free Big Screening of Metamorphosis and Titian (ROH Live); Somerset House courtyard starts its  open air film screenings; and Festivalitis takes Youff off all over Europe in search of more of the same, but with couscous and curry-wurst + music of all sorts - not fussy.   

    Meanwhile you’ll find me living out of the back of my car, skinny dipping my way around the country, chasing Gifford’s Circus, playing tennis barefoot on a grass court somewhere delightful, jamming (raspberries) and picking French beans  - ad infinitum. Join me?


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